Tanker ships
On ships with high priority on safety we can offer control beyond the conventional. With a SAJ-DMS system the tanker operators will be able to see the dynamic behavior of the hull in more detail than what is possible with conventional strain gauges. The ships torsion and deflection can be measured in several sections and dual bend (S bend) is thereby detected and measured.
The SAJ-DMS system can give an early indication on the squat effect on the ship. Early information about a squat buildup makes a large difference when the ship must maneuver. Lowered maneuverability because of squat is quite common and usually in situations where the attention is required in many other areas at the same time. That is why the easy to read information for split second decisions is an appreciated feature.
In addition to the safety feature the SAJ-DMS system provides a reliable remote draft indication and full control of the ships hydrodynamic information. The ships weight and even the cargo weight can be measured and presented separately.